For my solar car so far I've worked on a way to test my robot. I decided I'd test it out the exact way we were able to test out our coaster cars previously while working on the coaster car project. I decided I'd line 10 meter sticks up. I'd have the car travel until it reaches the end of the 10 meter sticks. While it does this I'll use a stopwatch to see the amount of time it took for the car to complete this action. I'll place a ruler onto the ground and then measure its distance away from the straight line. I'll find the speed using distance over time. I proposed my testing idea to Mr. Carpenter and it has been approved. I'm now working on building my solar car. I've bought all of the necessary materials. I'm cutting the chassis to fit the exact measurements that I drew in my detailed drawing. I'm progressing steadily if I must say so myself. I must continue to progress gradually, in fear of falling behind.
Link to design report
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